How to choose the right chair for you

Severn Physiotherapy can help you choose the right chair for your body shape, posture and mobility support needs. Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists are expert in helping you choose the right seating for your body. We look at:

  • your posture
  • specific measurements to ensure pressure distribution, comfort and ease of use
  •  pressure relief and positioning throughout the day or night
  • style and material
  •  you ability to move in the chair
  • your ability to stand from the chair and sit down
  • how often you sit in the chair
  • what equipment you need to fit around the chair
  • space available in your home


Our qualified team can advise you on specialist seating for your body’s needs in particular if you are less able to move independently. 

There are many different suppliers out there who offer a range of prices, styles, shapes and levels of support. 

Our therapists are independent assessors and advisors and do not receive commission from any chair providers. We can recommend some providers based on our experience and skill. 

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