The most common symptom of coronavirus infection is a continuous cough which can last for several weeks after the initial infection. Coughing is known to put pressure on the pelvic floor muscles and increase the risk of developing stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and vaginal prolapse. Physiotherapy is the first line treatment for pelvic floor dysfunction with research showing that doing your pelvic floor exercises leaves you 8 times more likely to recover from symptoms than if you do not do pelvic floor exercises.
The Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy (POGP) organisation gives lots of information to help you. Be sure to continue your pelvic floor exercises (men and women) while you have an ongoing cough to help support the strength in your pelvic floor muscles.
Be sure to talk to us about any symptoms due to coughing that you are experiencing no matter how embarrassing as there is likely to be a cure! It’s important to talk about pelvic floor problems or incontinence with your physiotherapist or GP. You can check if your physiotherapist is specialist in this area by checking if they are full members of the POGP.