Occupational Therapy and Managing at Home

Occupational Therapists (OTs) are experts at helping you to manage around the home. They work with people who would like to become more independent following an illness or operation. This can be anything from gardening, to cooking, to getting washed and dressed.

What an Occupational Therapist Does

During an assessment, an OT will talk to you about what you’re finding difficult and what you would like to get from seeing an OT. Many people like to have a friend or family member with them to help them discuss their needs. Examples of issues some our clients have had include:

  • Being unable to stand for a long time to cook dinner
  • Being unable to step in and out of the front door
  • Falling when walking
  • Struggling to remember the order of tasks to complete an activity like having a shower

An Occupational Therapist will observe how you’re currently managing the task to see which elements are challenging; they will also explore how relevant aspects of your health, mobility and cognition are affecting how you’re getting on with different tasks.

The OT will then work with you to develop a treatment plan that will help you achieve your goal. This may include:

  • Adaptations and equipment for your home
  • Suggesting different ways to do certain tasks
  • Advice on pacing yourself to reduce fatigue
  • Support you to increase your confidence
  • Liaising with other teams, such as carers

At Severn Physiotherapy, our expert therapists offer a person centred approach to helping you live life well.

For a no obligation chat about your needs, get in touch with us today!


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