Blue Badge Application

Therapists providing blue badge application support in Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire & Taunton

What is the Blue Badge?

A Blue Badge is a card which can be placed behind the windscreen of a vehicle you are travelling in, allowing you to park nearer to your destination. People with a health issue that affects their ability to walk longer distances can apply for a blue badge. Blue badge restrictions vary a little depending on the council you’re in, but generally it allows you to: 

  • Park in accessible parking spaces 
  • Park for free in on street parking spaces 
  • Park for up to 3 hours on single or double yellow lines where no other restrictions are in place 

Who is the Blue Badge for?

People who meet specific criteria automatically qualify for a blue badge: 

You may also qualify if you:

  • Have problems walking, such as limitations from pain, breathlessness or issues with your balance or planning journeys 
  • You have significant restrictions in the movement in your arms, meaning you cannot use a parking meter 
  • You become extremely anxious in public spaces 


Sometimes you are asked to supply further information from a healthcare professional who can assess your abilities and support your application for the badge. 

Our qualified and professional team can help you with a Blue Badge health assessment and provide an accurate report to support your application. Our assessment is done in your own home at a time convenient for you, and includes: 

– your past medical history and current medication prescription
– understanding how your daily activities are affected by any conditions you may have
– assessment of your mobility
– assessment of how you manage stairs (if applicable)

We then provide you with a report using our findings and recommendations for your Blue Badge Application. We cannot guarantee the outcome of your application.  

How do I apply for a Blue Badge?

Applications should be made either through the Gov website or your local council. Many local councils offer a paper version of the form you can complete. 

Completing an application form may feel daunting, but here are some suggestions to make it easier. 

For the application you will need:

  • A recent digital passport photo 
  • Proof of identity 
  • Proof of address 
  • Details of benefits you’re receiving 
  • Your National Insurance number 
  • Your driver’s licence if you have one

It may take up to 3 months for your application to be processed.

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