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Therapists providing home visits in Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire & Taunton
Care home physiotherapy and occupational therapy service for residents in Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire and Taunton care homes.
Therapy in care homes plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life for elderly residents. We offer a specialist elderly care, falls and frailty service. Our physio and occupational therapists are experts in the fields of neurology, respiratory and musculoskeletal care as well as managing the complex co-morbidities of older people.
We can help your residents maintain mobility, reduce pain, and prevent falls through exercises and activity. We focus on enabling residents to perform daily activities independently to improve their dignity and self-esteem. This interaction with therapists is fun and engaging and gives people goals to work towards, which improves quality of life for older people.
Our therapy team are caring, holistic and thorough in our approach. We build good relationships with the staff at the home as well as the residents and their families. We have experience of working as an external team alongside care homes with their own cultures, navigating the barriers, prioritising the care of each resident. We can pick up different IT systems quickly, ensuring timely note writing, handover and actions are completed. We have direct communication with family members, take part in multi-disciplinary team meetings and make or recommend clinical referrals.
We charge a fixed hourly rate to provide our service, paid for by the care home. There are many factors to agree on before the therapy service can commence and we have a step-by-step guide to help design a service to suit your residents. When we first start we will need to assess each person identified as needing therapy input (based on the criteria for referral). Assessments take approx 1.5 hours and there is a lot of work to be done including handover, clinical assessment, treatment planning, onward referrals, note writing, liaison with care staff, external healthcare professionals and family members.
Once each person has had an assessment the care plans and risk assessments may be updated based on the goals identified, and staff may need support with manual handling and supporting mobility.
We then will have a list of residents who need follow-up therapy and this consists of shorter 30 – 40 minute sessions working on progressing mobility and achieving the person’s goals, training care staff, liaising with family members. Sometimes it is determined that a person will not progress with therapy and therefore it is unethical to offer rehab. We are experienced and sensitive when communicating this to residents and family members. Usually people can engage in some form of exercise for maintaining the level of mobility they currently have, rather than progressing to be more mobile. This can be a program which the care staff can support ongoing once prescribed by our therapists.
We offer holistic, thorough 1.5 hour initial assessments including multi factorial falls risk assessments in line with current guidelines for older people.
We offer group exercise classes in care homes either seated or standing. We do individual assessments and risk assessments. Please contact us for more information.
Physio and occupational therapist sessions 30-40 mins long working towards goals to improve quality of life.
Up to date 3 - channel headsets x 23 with receivers and cables required for playlists from mobile phone/iPad/laptop. Please contact us for more information.