What is sarcopenia?

As we age there are a number of changes which occur in our bodies. One of these changes is the loss of muscle mass, otherwise known as ‘sarcopenia’. A result of this is muscle weakness, loss of strength and power and finding activities that you used to manage becoming more challenging. Unfortunately this can create […]

How a Physiotherapist Works with Older People

We all know that as we get older our body goes through a number of changes, which can make day to day life more difficult. These changes include a loss of muscle strength, slowed reactions times and joint problems. These can lead to several issues including a higher risk of falls and problems with walking. […]

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapists help people to move and function in the best way possible if they have experienced an injury or disability. Undergraduate training takes 3 years and requires extensive supervised practice before qualification. Many therapists then undertake further postgraduate training. Most Physiotherapists in the UK are registered with the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Physiotherapists are trained […]

Preventing Falls and Fractures

We know that thousands of people fall in the UK each year; in-fact one in three people aged over 65 have fallen. The risk of falling increases with age. Fortunately, there is lots we can do to reduce the risk of falling. It starts with doing a thorough assessment to get to the route cause […]

Exercising with a Long-Term Condition…Part 2

We know that keeping active has so many benefits, including protecting your heart and lungs, reducing pain and improving your mental health. However, if you haven’t exercised for a while, starting to get active again can be intimidating, especially if you have a long term health condition. The good news is that everyone can become […]

Medical Causes of Falls

Holly Bluck

As Physiotherapists who specialise in falls prevention, we look at all factors that may increase someone’s risk of falling. Details of how physical changes to your strength and balance can have an impact on your mobility can be found here. In this post we will look at other medical issues that can contribute to your […]

The painful story – part 2

How do our bodies sense pain? Pain is currently being redefined as by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) (https://www.iasp-pain.org/PublicationsNews/NewsDetail.aspx?ItemNumber=9218) The Proposed New Definition of Pain: An aversive sensory and emotional experience typically caused by, or resembling that caused by, actual or potential tissue injury. Proposed Accompanying Notes Section: Pain is always […]

Exercise For Posture

Why is Good Posture Important? You body has been designed to work in an ideal position, which varies subtly between people. Being in this ideal position means that joints are aligned correctly and your muscles can move your body in the most efficient way. A bad posture means that forces aren’t being directed through your […]

The painful story – part 1

  The perception of pain is not simple. Many people may be surprised to know that the sensation of pain does not come directly from an area of skin or body tissue which has been damaged in some way. There are many different cells and chemical reactions which lead to the sensation of pain and […]