Navigating the NHS is not easy. Have you waited a long time on the phone to contact the GP for an appointment? Some people may be on a long waiting list for NHS physiotherapy. Many people don’t know how to get in touch with the right NHS professional when they need to.
How we can help you navigate the NHS
We are familiar with all of these issues and others, they are regular challenges people face in the UK health service. At Severn Physiotherapy LLP we can help you navigate the NHS system. We take the pain out of the accessing NHS services. On your behalf we:
- Liaise with your GP/consultant/district nurses
- Refer you in to specialist services such as orthotics/podiatry and more
- Contact your specialist nurse to ensure speedy medication review/specialist equipment when you need it
- Help find groups you would like to attend and support you to get there
- Visit you at home when you need us, with clear appointment dates from the outset
- We liaise with family members to keep them up to date with older relatives
As well as having timely care straight from hospital or after a fall, we can ensure you have the necessary appointments booked with the NHS teams and help you navigate the NHS system. We often work alongside the NHS teams to support you to rehabilitate more quickly. If they don’t have the staff or time to work with you daily, we can fill in the gaps. We can work with you straight from hospital until the NHS team has capacity to s
tart visiting you at home, at which point we offer joint visits and handover sessions too.
Collaborative working is absolutely essential to make sure every patient we see gets the best level of care both from the NHS and private sector. We do not accept any barriers to communication with NHS teams and very much enjoy working with them. We are often friends outside of work or have worked in those teams ourselves!
Contact us
Contact us at Severn Physiotherapy LLP to have a chat about how we can support you to navigate the NHS and help you to feel prioritised in the NHS system. You should always be at the centre your own health and social care, equipped by the professionals to make your own informed choices to improve your health and wellbeing.