Physiotherapy After a Total Knee Replacement

After having a total knee replacement, it is likely that you will be able to walk more easily and comfortably than before. Physiotherapy is a key part of your recovery; exercise, advice and sometimes “hands on” techniques will help you to get back to doing your day to day activities more quickly.

Straight after Surgery

Usually Physiotherapy will start within 24 hours of your surgery. If you have any complications with your surgery, you may be advised to rest initially.

The Physiotherapists in hospital will get you started with an exercise programme to gently get your knee moving again. The exercises will focus on strengthening your new knee and improving the movement in it.

You will also be encouraged to get up and moving as soon as possible. This may feel intimidating but it is perfectly safe to stand on your new knee! A Physiotherapist will help you to stand and transfer to a chair initially, then progress your walking. The hospital team will make sure you can do all the day to day tasks you need to be able to do before you go home, such as walking short distances, getting dressed and going up and down stairs. This usually takes around 4 days.

At Home

It is important that you keep your exercises up once you get home. When you leave hospital, the Physiotherapists will make sure you are able to complete your exercises on your own. Doing these exercises regularly will ensure you can make the most of your new knee once it has healed.

Here are some other tips to remember once you’re home:

Eat well Your body needs a healthy diet to ensure you have the right nutrients to help your knee joint heal

Check your stitches You will need to see your practice nurse or a district nurse to keep an eye on your dressings and stitches

Use your walking aid The hospital team is likely to issue you with a walking aid to help keep you steady. In time you can wean off using this walking aid

At Severn Physiotherapy, we offer home visits. We can assess you at home to give you advice on recovering from your knee replacement, support you with your exercise programme and with getting active following your surgery. More information on our services can be found by clicking here, or get in touch with us for a no-obligation chat about your needs.

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