What to do if you Fall

What to do if you Fall

Falling is a very common issue as you get older. Some people fall and have no issues after. However, many people experience an injury or a loss of confidence after a fall. Here are a few ideas of what you can do after you fall…

Check for injuries

Immediately after you’ve fallen, taken some time to check yourself for injuries. Take a few deep breaths and try to stay calm. Think about each body area and see if it feels painful, if you can reach touch your body to see if there are any painful areas. Consider if you feel sick or dizzy.

Can you stand?

If you’re not hurt, see if you can stand up. This link gives an idea of how to do this.


If you’re hurt or can’t get up, try to summon help. If somebody is at home with you, ask them to call 999. Press your pendant alarm or use a phone if you can reach it. If there is nobody with you and you have no other way of summoning help, shout or bang on adjoining walls or the floor.

If you need to wait on the floor

If you need to wait for help, try to keep warm. Pull pillows or blankets on top of you if you can. If you need to empty your bladder, move away from the damp patch if you can.

It is also helpful to keep moving if you can. This will help you keep warm and stop problems developing with your joints and muscles.

If you can, drink some water or a hot drink (ideally not caffinated).

Talk to your Doctor or Healthcare Professional

If you’ve had a fall, even if you weren’t hurt, it is important to tell a healthcare professional. There are lots of factors that can increase your risk of falls and it’s important these are looked into. This link gives some advice on the sorts of things that may need to be investigated.

Key things to consider include:

Are there any obvious trip hazards around you home or issues that increase your risk of falls, such as difficulty getting out the shower

If you fell, could you summon help

Do you know how to get off the floor

Have you sought advice for managing your falls risk

At Severn Physiotherapy, our specialist Physiotherapists can give a holistic assessment of the causes of your falls, communicate any concerns with your GP and give you a personalised treatment plan to reduce your risk of falls and help you feel more confident. Have a look at our website or click here to get in touch for a no obligation chat about your needs.

All information contained in this post is general; we encourage you to seek individualised assessment and treatment from a relevant healthcare professional. We endeavour to regularly review our posts to make sure all information is in accordance with recent guidance and research.

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