Physiotherapy After a Total Knee Replacement

After having a total knee replacement, it is likely that you will be able to walk more easily and comfortably than before. Physiotherapy is a key part of your recovery; exercise, advice and sometimes “hands on” techniques will help you to get back to doing your day to day activities more quickly. Straight after Surgery […]

Exercising with a Long-Term Condition…Part 2

We know that keeping active has so many benefits, including protecting your heart and lungs, reducing pain and improving your mental health. However, if you haven’t exercised for a while, starting to get active again can be intimidating, especially if you have a long term health condition. The good news is that everyone can become […]

Exercising with a Long-Term Condition…Part 1


We know that keeping active has so many benefits, including protecting your heart and lungs, reducing pain and improving your mental health. However, if you haven’t exercised for a while, starting to get active again can be intimidating, especially if you have a long term health condition. The good news is that everyone can become […]

How to Help Someone Who Falls

Older adult roller skating

We see many patients whose main concern is falling. They have often have several falls in the past. Their friends and family often ask us what they can do to help. Here are a few of our top tips… Make sure the home is set up safely It may sound obvious but many falls happen […]

Are Pregnancy Massages Safe?

Pregnancy, or pre-natal, massage can be a great way of relieving aches and pains associated with pregnancy. A massage can also make you feel more relaxed. You can read more about the benefits of massage by reading our previous blog post. Here’s some advice on the safety aspects of having a pregnancy massage… Are Massages […]

Ways to Get Active in Later Life

Research tells us there are lots of benefits to being active as we get older. From benefits to your heart, reducing your risk of falling and improving your mental health, we know that the positive effects of exercise are far reaching. Below we’ve given some examples of how to keep active no matter what you’re […]

How a Physiotherapist Assesses Balance Problems

Being unsteady on your feet or falling is a common problem as you get older. Research tells us that a third of over 65 year olds fall once a year, increasing to 50% of people aged over 80. Fortunately Physiotherapy can help!  A specialist Physiotherapist can take a detailed history from you and do a […]

Back Pain Myth Busters

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy have created a great document busting myths around back pain. The link to the full article can be found here: These are some of the key messages: Keep moving if you can! Evidence show it is best to return to activity and work as soon as you are able […]

Can you Exercise if you have Cancer?

Historically, people with conditions such as cancer were told to rest and be less active. This advice holds true for people with medical reasons not to exercise, such as significant problems with their heart. However new research tells us that not only is exercising with cancer safe, but it can improve your emotional and physical […]

Pelvic Floor

This video brilliantly illustrates a woman’s pelvic floor muscles:   Your pelvic floor muscles sit like a hammock along the bottom of your pelvis. These muscles should be firm and springy, able to move up and down. In women, these muscles have three holes in to allow the passage of the urethra, vagina and anus. […]