Consider private rehab for older people. Older people in Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire and Taunton currently have to wait months for free rehab/physiotherapy. Unfortunately this is also a demographic which is more likely to suffer from frailty, which means it is more difficult to recover from illness such as a urinary tract infection, falls and hip fracture, chest infection and other common reasons for hospital admission. It is well known that people who are frail often lose mobility and independence whilst in hospital, this is called de-conditioning. The way to manage de-conditioning for older adults, is rehabilitation with exercise specialists in geriatric care such as physiotherapists, occupational therapists and fitness instructors, and diet with a dietician. Timely input for these services is important for people who are frail, as lengthly waits for therapy means more muscle wasting, more joint stiffness, less confidence, less mobility and independence.
Considering private rehab is now an option for older people in Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire and Taunton. Qualified, experienced therapists can help you or your loved ones who need support with their mobility and independence with daily tasks of living. Severn Physiotherapy LLP are a team of skilled and specialist therapists who care about every person involved in their care; this does not just mean the patient, this includes the family of the patient, the carers, the GP, the district nurses, friends, neighbours, pets and all the other people involved. Our therapists become part of the support structure around the person placing each decision in their hands but offering advice and guidance. This approach is a form of patient-centred care, which is the gold standard for healthcare. Alongside this approach, Severn Physiotherapy LLP absolutely embrace collaboration with other professionals. RMR Rehabilitation is a local team os highly skilled, caring trainers who work with the guidance from Severn Physiotherapists to help achieve the patients rehab goals. they are specialist in neurological and orthopaedic rehab.
Together with the rest of the team involved in the person’s care, Severn Physiotherapy help people who want to get back to the gym or walking out to the shops, as well as those who are less mobile and need better pressure relief in the chair or the bed, and we help with everything in between.
Older people do not use the internet and tech devices in the same way younger adults do, it has not been part of their working and social lives in the same way. This is not because they do not want to, or cannot, there are just different barriers than there are for younger people. So please support them to research options for their care especially rehabilitation after hospital discharge. They do not have to wait for months for therapy, and if they choose a provider who is available more quickly, they will be at less risk of losing their mobility and independence. It is a mater of patient choice.